Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao celebrated their 15th wedding ceremony anniversary in December 2020. On July 3, the couple introduced their separation by releasing a joint assertion. Of their lengthy assertion, they revealed that they are going to be elevating their son Azad collectively. Their assertion learn, “In these 15 stunning years collectively we now have shared a lifetime of experiences, pleasure and laughter, and our relationship has solely grown in belief, respect and love. Now we want to start a brand new chapter in our lives – not as husband and spouse, however as co-parents and household for one another. We started a deliberate separation a while in the past, and now really feel comfy to formalise this association, of dwelling individually but sharing our lives the way in which an prolonged household does. We stay devoted dad and mom to our son Azad, who we are going to nurture and lift collectively. We will even proceed to work as collaborators on movies, Paani Basis, and different tasks that we really feel enthusiastic about. An enormous thanks to our households and mates for his or her fixed assist and understanding about this evolution in our relationship, and with out whom we might not have been so safe in taking this leap. We request our effectively wishers for good needs and blessings, and hope that – like us – you will notice this divorce not as an finish, however as the beginning of a brand new journey.”
On July 4, the duo additionally addressed their followers by means of a video and warranted them that they’re comfortable. Within the video, they had been seen holding one another’s arms whereas talking about their bond.
Pic: Instagram
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