For individuals who see this as a comeback of Ameesha, the actress responds, “It’s not a comeback as I had ‘Bhaiyaji Superhit’ starring Sunny Deol and Preity Zinta a couple of 12 months previous to the COVID pandemic.”
The movie in query is a thriller. Ameesha tells ETimes that she is certainly part of the movie however has a small position in it. “I’m doing solely a cameo. It is only a 2-day shoot. The movie’s important producer, who relies within the UK, is a buddy.’ Arjun Rampal, who’s in Budapest taking pictures for one more motion movie additionally issued a video assertion confirming that the movie will probably be shot quickly in London.
‘Thriller of Tattoo’ commences shoot quickly. It stays to be seen whether or not it lands in theatres or on OTT because the COVID situation continues to be glum. A number of business individuals say that the theatres is not going to begin earlier than September/October.
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