Beforehand, Shah Rukh Khan was seen arriving at Dilip Kumar’s residence, he shared an in depth bond with the actor and his spouse Saira Banu. The actor was seen consoling a heart-broken Saira Banu. Vidya Balan and Dharmendra had been additionally snapped arriving at Dilip Kumar’s residence. Followers of Dilip Kumar gathered exterior the hospital the place the ‘tragedy king’ handed away and the Mumbai police shaped a human chain in order that his mortal stays may very well be taken to his residence. Dilip Kumar shall be laid to relaxation at 5pm in the present day on the Juhu Qabrastan in Santacruz, Mumbai.
Remembering the icon, Alia Bhatt penned a tribute for Dilip Kumar on social media and wrote, “The facility of his being lies in his unmatchable physique of labor. Each time I’ve watched him painting legendary characters I felt like I used to be being swept away and but being educated. Educated by his nuances, his silences, his unparalleled depth and his sheer aura. He’ll at all times be the gold commonplace for actors to imbibe from… the cultural world simply misplaced its shine however the legacy of his mild lives on without end. Relaxation in peace Dilip Saab.”
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