Caleb Brooks, gut transplant recipient, Somerville, AL.
Madeline Johnson Brooks, spouse of Caleb Brooks, Somerville, AL.
Anil Vaidya, transplant surgeon, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH.
Deepak Katyal, trauma and acute care surgeon, Huntsville Hospital, Huntsville, AL. “Organ Donation Statistics.”
Statista: “Variety of U.S. candidates ready for chosen organ transplants as of September 2020.”
American Society of Transplantation (AST).
United Community for Organ Sharing (UNOS).
Organ Procurement and Transplantation Community (OPTN): “In regards to the OPTN,” “Knowledge.”
Donate Life America (DLA).
Cleveland Clinic: “Intestinal Transplant Program,” “Attacked by a Bull, Father of Two Undergoes Intestinal Transplant.”
Mayo Clinic: “Shock: First assist.”
Information launch, Hartselle Enquirer.
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