For ‘Thalaivi’, Kangana will essay the function of actress turned politician J Jayalalithaa. Directed by AL Vijay, ‘Thalaivi’ was scheduled to hit the screens in April and however was postponed as a result of pandemic. This film options Arvind Swami and Bhagyashree in pivotal roles and will likely be launched in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Whereas ‘Dhaakad’ is an actioner directed by Razneesh Ghai and stars Arjun Rampal, Divya Dutta and Saswata Chatterjee. ” Earlier than the group of ‘Dhaakad’ headed to Budapest, the movie was shot in Pune and Bhopal.
Other than these two films, Kangana Ranaut will likely be seen essaying the function of an air drive officer in ‘Tejas’. She can even don the director’s hat for ‘Emergency’, whereby she performs the function of late Indira Gandhi. Kangana has additionally introduced her plans to direct ‘Manikarnika Returns: The Legend of Didda’.
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