Taking to Twitter, Kaur B shared the image of Shehnaaz Gill whereas she was reaching for Sidharth’s final rites, and wrote – “Waheguru Raba Aa Time Kadi Kise te v na Aawe, Kadi mile v Nahi Par Fe v Rona Nahi rukda vekh okay, Waheguru Agge Ardas Himmat dewi us Maa ji nu ohna Bhaina nu te Saare Pariwar nu Parmatma Keep Robust love @ishehnaaz_gill @ShehbazBadesha ” (Might God by no means make anybody face a time like this, we by no means met, however after seeing this I can’t cease crying, I pray to God to offer energy to his mom, sister, and the entire household. Keep sturdy love Shehnaaz Gill and Shehbaz Badesha).
WaheguruRaba Aa Time Kadi Kise te v na Aawe, Kadi mile v Nahi Par Fe v Rona Nahi rukda vekh okay, Waheguru Agge Ard… https://t.co/IYnxG5o6JY
— KaurB (@KaurBmusic) 1630667835000
Shehnaaz was seen crying uncontrollably at Sidharth’s funeral. Although neither Sidharth nor Shehnaaz ever brazenly stated that they had been in a relationship, their bond and chemistry used to color the city crimson. Shehnaaz not too long ago appeared in a tv actuality present with Sidharth, by which she even stated that he’s her household, which melted the hearts of #SidNaaz followers.
Experiences additionally state that Shehnaaz was with Sidharth solely for the time being when he breathed his final. The Punjabi actress continues to be in mourning of Sidharth’s demise, and one can solely think about the ache that she have to be experiencing on dropping somebody so particular. It’s not simply Kaur B, many different Punjabi celebs and Shehnaaz’s followers have been sending condolences to the actress, and are praying that she stays sturdy through the powerful instances.
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