Now, actor Gajraj Rao took a dig at those that create such reels. He took to his Instagram deal with to share a video made by comic and artist Prasad Bhat who additionally blasted individuals for utilizing ‘vulgar’ songs for making reels with out even understanding the lyrics.
His message addressed this newest pattern of youngsters, aged girls, and households dancing to songs which have such vulgar phrases.
“Are you able to guys learn the which means of the songs earlier than making reels on Instagram particularly together with your youngsters or infants within the video? I see the entire households together with daada, daadi going ‘Shut up and bend over’. Are we actually comfortable with this? What’s occurring? How a lot of dignity do you need to lose to go viral?” Prasad Bhat requested in his video.
Gajraj additionally raised some severe questions re-sharing the video and wrote, “Completely agree with Prasad…”
Because the seasoned actor shared the video, many others from the trade backed his put up. For example, Richa Chadha wrote, “Agree! Makes me uncomfortable to see youngsters dance provocatively to songs they (hopefully however who am I kidding) don’t perceive. IG is a good place to attach, share your artwork, your voice with the world… However painful to see everybody dancing in Reels…medical doctors, bankers nutritionists, guide readers… sab ko naach naach ke apni baat batani pad rahi hai. KYU ! 😂”
In the meantime, on the work entrance, Gajraj Rao will subsequent be seen within the Ajay Devgn starrer ‘Maidaan’, being directed by Amit Ravindernath Sharma.
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