An image from the particular and candy birthday luncheon was shared by filmmaker Khaled Mohamed. The image featured balloons, cake, Jackie Shroff on one aspect, Asha Parekh within the middle, and Waheeda Rehman on the opposite aspect. Sharing the image, Khaled wrote – “On Asha Parekhji’s birthday eve, Jackie Shroff ushers it in with cake and tremendous lunch at his farmhouse within the presence of her bestie Waheeda Rehman.”
Try the image right here:
This goes with out saying that the image stirred so many feelings. On one hand, Jackie’s gesture of internet hosting a lunch within the honor of Asha Parekh’s birthday melted hearts, on the opposite, seeing the bond of the birthday lady and Waheeda Rehman untouched by the filth of time introduced a smile to many faces. The 2 have been identified to take journeys collectively additionally, alongside few different pals of theirs from the trade.
Asha Parekh is likely one of the most famous names of Bollywood. Her journey started as a baby artist and thereafter she made her life purpose to rule the massive screens, which was fulfilled with each film that she did.
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