Alia, who had graced the trailer launch occasion of her upcoming movie, ‘RRR’ as we speak, was requested an oblique query about her beau Ranbir. She was requested about ‘R’ being the trending letter in her life. Replying to the identical, she stated, “I’m shocked. I haven’t got a solution. I’m attempting to be clever. Ummm.. R is an efficient alphabet however so is A.”
Spilling the beans on her expertise of being part of SS Rajamouli’s directorial, Alia added, “It is a magical second for me to be part of Rajamouli’s movie spectacle. I by no means anticipated this to return true. Cannot look forward to the movie to launch.”
Wearing a ravishing pink saree and matching sleeveless shirt, Alia appeared drop-dead beautiful. Her open tresses, colored lips and lengthy earrings complimented her general gorgeous look.
Set within the 1920s, ‘RRR’ is impressed by two legendary freedom fighters- Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem. Whereas Raju had led the Rampa Riot of 1922–24, Bheem fought for the liberation of Hyderabad through the rule of Asaf Jahi Dynasty.
The movie stars Ram Charan, Jr NTR, Ajay Devgn and others. It’s slated to hit the theatres on January 7, 2022.
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