Bollywood actors Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal took the plunge on Thursday and shared a bunch of comfortable images from their intimate ceremony. Whereas Vicky made for one dapper groom, Katrina surprised as the proper desi bride and opposite to all the excitement doing the rounds in B-town, the couple checked out of their lodge together with their friends this morning, caught a helicopter then a jet and flew out of Rajasthan to an undisclosed location.
In the meantime, a supply informed ETimes that 50 individuals had been pressed into service for the previous 2-Three days to place every little thing so as in VicKat’s new lovenest earlier than they arrive residence. “We’ve to work immediately until four am as a result of Katrina and Vicky are anticipated tomorrow, someday late at evening, round 12 midnight,” mentioned a supply. Nobody is happier in regards to the star couple transferring into their new residence than neighbour Anushka Sharma. In her congratulatory message to the couple, the actress wrote, “Glad you’re lastly married in order that now you may transfer into your home quickly and we will cease listening to development sounds.”
On the opposite facet of town, hassle got here knocking at Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s door. A UAE-based financer approached the Andheri Metropolitan Justice of the Peace Court docket in Mumbai and has filed a criticism in opposition to the makers of ’83, alleging that his firm was promised good returns after they invested roughly Rs 16 crores. As Deepika is co-producer, she too has been dragged into the authorized battle.
AbRam and Aryan Khan made appearances across the metropolis. Whereas huge brother headed to the NCB workplace to mark his attendance, AbRam received hearts when he stepped out to attend a kiddie celebration. He made the shutterbugs click-happy when he headed out to Rani Mukerji and Aditya Chopra’s home to attend Adira Chopra‘s sixth birthday bash.
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