Chandrasekhar additionally gave loads of luxurious presents to Jacqueline Fernandez. In line with IANS, the actress acquired Gucci health club put on, Gucci footwear, Rolex watch, 15 pairs of earrings, 5 Birkin luggage, Hermes bangles and LV luggage from the conman. He additionally gifted her a mini cooper which Jacqueline returned, as per the chargesheet. As per the chargesheet he additionally gave round $1,80,000 and a Porche automotive to Jacqueline’s mom.
Nevertheless, in her assertion recorded earlier than ED officers, Jaqueline stated that her sister took a mortgage of $1,50,000 from Chandrasekhar. She additionally accepted that he transferred round Rs 15 lakh to the account of her brother who lives in Australia. “I’ve been talking to Sukesh since February 2017. In August 2021, he was arrested, after which I by no means met him. He advised me that he’s the proprietor of Solar TV and from the political household of Jayalalithaa,” Jacqueline advised the ED, reads the chargesheet.
The ED filed this chargesheet final week and the courtroom took cognisance of it instantly.
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