The actor lately acknowledged that he misses Bollywood. Fawad was requested throughout a conversion by Movie Companion if he misses Bollywood, to which the ‘Zindagi Gulzar Hai’ actor replied ‘sure’ he does. He added that he made some nice associates there and nonetheless retains in contact with them. The actor additionally admitted his love for Mumbai, and says he misses the town a lot and that he has had a stunning expertise throughout that point.
Again in 2016, the Indian Movement Image Producers Affiliation handed a decision to ban Pakistani artists from working in Indian movies. And after the Pulwama terror assault in 2019, the All Indian Cine Staff Affiliation had then introduced a complete ban on Pakistani artists.
Fawad is all set to return to Indian screens with an online sequence the place he could be reuniting with Zindagi Gulzar Hai co-star Sanam Saeed. Helmed by Asim Abbasi, the present will likely be aired on an OTT platform.
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