In accordance with Hindustan Occasions, the Indian folktronica duo Hari and Sukhmani will probably be seen performing on the marriage ceremony. A supply near the portal revealed, “Each the actors, particularly Vicky, love Punjabi music, which is why the unbiased artists have discovered a spot within the lineup of performances with Bollywood biggies on the star-studded marriage ceremony.”
In the meantime, the marriage festivities have begun on the Six Senses Fort Barwara. On Tuesday, that they had their mehendi ceremony and at this time they’ll get pleasure from their haldi and sangeet ceremony. The couple’s shut pals like Kabir Khan, Mini Mathur, Neha Dhupia, Angad Bedi, Sharvari Wagh and Gurdas Maan amongst others have been seen on the Jaipur airport.
The duo is about to tie the knot on December 9. Earlier at this time, a supply instructed ETimes, “Solely their closest household and inside circle of pals, who’ve identified the couple since they have been youngsters, will probably be current. Given the Covid scenario proper now, the couple needs to restrict the company for the security of everybody concerned.” The supply additional added that they’re trying ahead to celebrating with their trade pals at a later date.
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