The actress had simply returned from the taking pictures of the movie ‘Ram Setu’ in Diu and is to take part in Salman Khan‘s Da-bangg tour to be held on December 10 in Riyadh. The actress has been questioned within the Sukesh Chandrashekhar case no less than twice by ED officers and Jacqueline has maintained that she is a sufferer of the conman.
ETimes tried to achieve out to Jacqueline’s supervisor, however we acquired no response.
Earlier, there have been rumours that actress Jacqueline Fernandez was relationship conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. Few footage of the duo went viral on social media. Sukesh is the conman who was additionally the prime suspect accused in a Rs 200 crore extortion case.
Beforehand Jacqueline was even questioned for 7 hours, by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in reference to the Rs 200 crore extortion case involving conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar and his spouse, actor Leena Maria Paul.
Responding to the claims, Jacqueline’s spokesperson had earlier issued an official assertion saying, “Jacqueline Fernandez is being known as to testify as a witness by the ED. She has duly recorded her statements and in future may also be utterly co-operating with the company within the investigations.”
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