Miss Universe 2021, Harnaaz Sandhu’s grand finale costume created historical past within the trend books. Paying homage to the diva’s Punjabi roots, the glowing robe was curated by designer Saisha Shinde in 25 days. The designer instructed ETimes, “For Harnaaz’s robe, we took inspiration from the geometric and symmetric sample of the phulkari motif which is synonymous with Punjab. I modernised it by making it summary and concurrently we had vertical strains which fanned out making her look even taller. Lastly, the entire look got here along with the strings of Swarovski chains cascading down within the entrance, giving it a waterfall impact. The robe took about 25 days to complete with intricate and very delicate hand embroidery made from bugle beads, Swarovski crystals and chains.” The look was paired with sharp make-up that fetched India the title after 21 years.
Learn additionally:Saisha Shinde: Harnaaz Sandhu always dreamt about being Miss Universe, her gown took 25 days to finish
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