It was one more unhappy day for Indian cinema as Nationwide Award-winning filmmaker Buddhadeb Dasgupta handed away on June 10. The 77-year-old iconic filmmaker breathed his final at his Kolkata residence. He was affected by age-related sickness for lengthy. Buddhadeb was even present process dialysis as was being handled for kidney issues over the previous few years. By way of his movies, each documentaries and options, spanning greater than 50 artistic years, Buddhadeb Dasgupta tried to mix all these items, including to them a realization of self-enquiry and self-discovery. From ‘Dooratwa’, ‘Tahader Katha’, ‘Kaalpurush’, ‘Janala’, ‘Grihajuddha’ to his final launched movie ‘Urojahaj’, the stamp of his individuality has been marked cinematographically in addition to by way of his alternative of literary supply.
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