This image of Vicky and Katrina was clicked at a celebration. The actor opted for an all-black look. The ‘Sooryavanshi’ actress seems fairly in a pink colored gown. They each could be seen seating on a settee. As Katrina is busy speaking to a pal at a celebration, Vicky cannot take his eyes off her.
Try her photos right here:
Pic: Filmfare Instagram
“Solely love and gratitude in our hearts for every thing that introduced us to this second. Looking for all of your love and blessings as we start this new journey collectively,” the duo captioned the images on their respective Instagram accounts.
The large fats Bollywood marriage ceremony was always in information. The couple’s three-day elaborative festivities included a sufi theme for sangeet, no digicam coverage and friends have been required to signal an NDA. In a homage to the groom’s Punjabi roots, the actress’ veil was custom-trimmed with handmade kiran in hand-beaten silver electroplated in gold.
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