She did a Telugu film ‘Jabardasth (2013)’ with Siddharth. After that, she visited SriKalahasthi temple with Siddharth alongside together with her household and carried out a particular Rahu-Ketu Puja and took the divine blessings on the ‘SriKalahastheeswara Temple’ regardless of her being a Christian. Although their movie ‘Jabardasth’ was a industrial failure, she was reported to be in love with Siddharth till she turned shut with Naga Chaitanya.
Later upon her separation with Naga Chaitanya, she was as soon as once more within the information when Siddharth posted a tweet across the identical interval that reads, “One of many first classes I learnt from a trainer in Faculty. ‘Cheaters by no means prosper.’ What’s your’s?” which his followers associated to her separation tweet. Although Siddharth overtly clarified that it has nothing to do with anybody.
Picture courtesy: Fb
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