In an official assertion, Kareena’s spokesperson had revealed that the actress had contracted the virus at a personal dinner not too long ago. The spokesperson mentioned, “Kareena has been extraordinarily accountable all through the lockdown interval. She has been cautious each time she’s stepped out. Sadly, this time she and Amrita Arora contracted COVID at an intimate dinner the place just a few pals had gathered to catch up. It wasn’t an enormous social gathering as being reported. Amongst that group, there was one one that appeared unwell and was coughing, and who ultimately handed it on. This individual ought to have been accountable sufficient to not attend the dinner and put others in danger.”
In keeping with ANI, the BMC acknowledged that Seema Khan was the primary one who examined optimistic for Covid-19, publish which Kareena Kapoor Khan and Amrita Arora additionally acquired it. That they had all reportedly attended a get-together social gathering at Karan Johar’s home on December 8. Seema had minor signs and her report got here optimistic on December 11. Quickly after Kareena and Amrita acquired themselves examined and their reviews additionally got here optimistic on December 12. ETimes was the primary to report that Seema Khan’s son Yohaan had additionally examined optimistic for Covid-19.
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