Whereas prepping for her wedding ceremony earlier this month, the ‘Manikarnika’ actress had injured her leg and was suggested relaxation by the medical doctors..”Ankita and Vicky had been rehearsing for his or her sangeet when she bought injured. She is unwell and medical doctors are retaining an in depth eye however she has instructed her buddies she is going to handle. Fortunately, there isn’t a fracture,” her shut buddy Mahesh Shetty had shared. After mehendi and sangeet rituals, Ankita and Vicky may have their Haldi ceremony immediately. The couple’s wedding ceremony on December 14 will happen at a five-star lodge in Mumbai. Ankita and Vicky’s wedding ceremony will likely be attended by shut family and friends.
Earlier this 12 months, Ankita had penned a loving observe for Vicky, celebrating their three years of togetherness. The actress had shared, “Pricey Vikki, You had been there for me when instances had been robust. You had been at all times the primary individual to ask me how I used to be doing, if I wanted assist in something, or if I needed to get away in order that I may clear my head .you had been at all times so apprehensive about me, and I at all times instructed you that I used to be fantastic as a result of I used to be figuring out that I had you with me. I need to thanks for being the most effective boyfriend on the planet. I don’t must let you know what I would like, however you at all times know what it’s in some way.”
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