Now, in response to the BoxOfficeIndia report, the movie has earned Rs three crore nett on the primary day. For a dubbed Hindi movie, these are good numbers!
In multiplexes, the movie did not pull a lot of an viewers, nevertheless, it attracted plenty of lots to single screens. These collections are from Maharashtra and CPCI single screens. The BOI report said that the determine might even go increased as the ultimate numbers from the Mumbai circuit might simply go to Rs 1.50 crore nett. Additionally, the collections from the North, Delhi NCR and East Punjab are far much less.
The narrative of the film, which is being launched in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi, centres round crimson sandalwood smuggling.
Malayalam star Fahadh Fassil, Sunil, Ajay Gosh and Anasuya Bharadwaj are the opposite principal actors within the movie. Multi-award-winner songwriter-composer Devi Sri Prasad has scored the music.
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