Shilpa Shetty was not snapped with Raj and Viaan, because the actress had flown out of Mumbai. The actress is reportedly attending a marriage in Jaipur with Anil Kapoor and Salman Khan. Beforehand, Raj Kundra was snapped with Shilpa Shetty in Himachal Pradesh, weeks after he was launched on bail on September 21. The duo twinned in yellow outfits and have been snapped at a temple. Ever since his arrest within the controversial grownup content material manufacturing, Raj has been avoiding the paparazzi and has additionally deleted all his social media accounts.
Mumbai police had named Raj as the important thing conspirator within the porn manufacturing and distribution case and had arrested him in July. Refusing to touch upon the matter, Shilpa maintained a silence over the controversy and had shared on social media, “As a household, we’re taking recourse to all our obtainable authorized treatments. However, until then I humbly request you – particularly as a MOTHER – to respect our privateness for my youngsters’s sake and request you to chorus from commenting on half-baked info with out verifying the veracity of the identical. I’m a proud law-abiding Indian citizen and a hardworking skilled for the final 29 years. Folks have put their religion in ME & I’ve by no means let anybody down. So, most significantly, I request you to respect my household’s and ‘my proper’ to privateness in these occasions.”
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